Website Redesign
Home > Adaptability > Website Redesign
The Challenge
For this course project, I was tasked to redesign a website of my choice. I chose to redesign the website for a non-profit organization called ‘Another Life Foundation’. The goal of the website is to inform users about what the foundation is and what services they offer. It is mainly targeted towards anyone in the Colorado Springs area struggling with mental health, though they do have a special program aimed specifically at black men struggling with mental health. I chose to make a website for this organization specifically because their current website is, in my opinion, not well designed at all.
I originally found the ‘Another Life Foundation’ through a different UCCS course. For that class, I had to create a persona for the average user of the website - you can see that project here. I used this persona to help determine how specifically to design the improved website for this project. Two things I focused on when creating the website were making the pages well organized and making sure that the information wasn’t repetitive. These are both big issues on the foundation’s current (actual) website, and this would be detrimental to anyone actually trying to find information on the website.
Website redesign homepage
This project displays my ability to learn new tech, find faults in a design, and improve the design to best suit the user. Before this project, I had no experience with or any other online site builder. I was able to learn Wix quickly and use it to create my site redesign and improve the overall look and content of the Another Life Foundation website.
Writing Skills
Biography Rewrite